3 Leading Customer Experience Tools

 In Customer Experience, Customer Relationship Management

If you want your business to grow, you should think about how you want your audience to grow with you. That means you simply can’t let them lag – you need to keep them engaged with your business from the day they first enter in your store.

That does sound nearly impossible – but lucky for you, we’ve got 3 great customer experience tools that will transform the way customers interact with your brand:

#1: Live Chat

Believe it or not, the demand for live chats has increased over time. The reason lies in a simple fact: customers love convenience.

If they visit your website and have a question to ask, they don’t want to go through the hassle of typing out an email and waiting for a response – they want everything done in-the-moment. That’s why live chats are such a vital feature for a business; it allows customers to send a query as soon as they have one, and have their issues resolved smoothly. This helps not only streamline customer care on your side but also shows customers how willing your brand is to help anyone in need.

#2: Customer Feedback Mechanisms

No matter how extensive your customer experience strategy may be, there is only one way you can know how well it’s all faring: through your customers.

That’s why it is important to have more than one channel through which you can connect with your customers – which means you have to think beyond the usual paper-and-pen survey! Social media platforms are great for interacting with your customers more interactively; if you’re looking for a more one-on-one way, send emails and SMSs asking about their experience at your business. The more you let your customers open up, the more confident and appreciated they will feel.

#3: Customer Management System

When a customer interacts with your business, you want to make sure that that relationship lasts forever. But with so much already on your plate, how can you streamline it all?

The answer to that has just three letters: CRM.

A Customer Relation Management (CRM) system helps you track individual customer relationships, by analyzing their purchasing patterns, likes, dislikes, and more. This tool can be found in good point of sale systems in Pakistan like Oscar POS, which lets you record customer data like name, email address, contact number, etc. securely. You can then access what you need to launch custom emails, SMS campaigns, send exclusive offers and more. Moreover, you can also send custom surveys, for more actionable feedback. That way, CRM helps build customer relationships strong.

Your end goal should always be one thing: to make the customer happy. With these smart tools by your side, you will successfully strengthen your bond with your audience.

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