Digital Transformation: More Than Technology

 In Technology

The advent of technology has made the world face a series of dynamic changes, which go beyond the scope of just convenience. People are quick to assume that technological advancements are limited to creating interesting software, and then waiting for it to do its own magic.

In reality, digital transformation is not just technology.

It involves a complete transformation in the way you conduct business, and that is no easy task. While its relatively easy to plan it all out, carrying it out to completion can be difficult – but why is that so?

The major reason is that technology only gives you the chance to improve fundamental business functions, but won’t take you there on its own. For implementation, you have to make sure you and your entire company has the mindset to change. After all, it takes a lot of planning, commitment and courage in order to make digital transformation work.

Just because digital transformation sounds tough, it doesn’t have to be!

Before “How”, Ask “Why”

Before you can work on the next best software, you need to know why you’re working on it in the first place – why do you need digital transformation? Why do you need a specific technological advancement, and why do you think it’ll improve your business?

By analyzing your business strategy before taking any measures, it helps you invest in the right things. That way, you understand why you need a drastic change, and how moving away from the old business practices can help you and your business improve for the better.

Work From The Outside In

Usually, business transformations happen while wanting to make sure that customers don’t stray away. For that to work, you need to work in the customer’s perspective.

Be in their shoes, and list down things you’d want in your customer journey as a client. Understand what they prioritize by interacting with them directly, so that you can think of ways to improve their experience further. Once you have completed this analytical phase, then you can work on creating the perfect technology.

Using customers’ direct input into the digital transformation process, you’ll know better what exactly needs changing. That way, your solution will be efficient, and ten times more successful.

Don’t Forget Your Employees

No business is a one-man-show – they all have their own employees, all of which might or might not agree to a digital transformation. More often than not, employees are afraid of being replaced, and so vehemently reject any change just to keep their jobs secure.

As a business owner, you’re not allowed to roll your eyes at their concerns – because they are completely valid. Recognize their fears, and convince them that change will only improve their current skill set.

This is where communication comes in: don’t just change everything drastically and expect your employees to be okay with it. Talk to them about the transformation you want to bring, and keep them in the loop until the entire implementation process ends. Give them the opportunity to voice out concerns or suggestions, so that no one feels left out. Furthermore, give them consistent training and support, instead of letting them fend for themselves. Keeping employees part of the transformation will make sure everyone shares the same mindset of change.

How Do I Start?

The notion of digital change can be scary, especially if you’re doing it for the first time. Perhaps the best way to start is by taking baby steps. For example, you can upgrade you current clunky cash register and replace it with a modern POS system.

This point of sale system has multiple management systems that let you handle many things at once, like inventory, analytics, sales, recipes and more. Not only does it keep all your data secure, backed-up and updated in real-time, it is also easy to use; that way, you don’t have to worry about confusing your employees. It’s the best system to use if you want a shot at digital transformation.

Change is always good – just make sure that you do it the right way!

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