Struggling to Find a POS Solution that Satisfies FBR & SRB Regulations for Your Hotel? Oscar POS Has You Covered!

In Pakistan’s hotel management sector, compliance with tax regulations laid down by the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) and the Sindh Revenue Board (SRB) is not just a legal requirement but [...]

Transform Your Retail Business with Oscar POS: The Best FBR and SRB Compliant System in Pakistan!

Retail businesses need efficient and reliable systems to stay ahead in today’s fast and competitive business market. The trends keep changing every now and then. And retail businesses have to [...]

Supercharge Your Supermarket: The Importance of FBR and SRB Compliant POS with Oscar POS

Efficiency is key to satisfying customers and maximizing profits if you own a supermarket. Picture this: a shopper walks into a supermarket with a specific list in mind. They expect to find [...]

Streamline Your Pharmacy Store Management with FBR & SRB Compliant Oscar POS Solution

Introduction Running a pharmacy store can be very busy, especially during peak hours when many customers are looking for medicines and medical supplies. Managing the customer flow, ensuring the [...]

Cloud-based POS system: Yay Or Nay?

Cloud computing has gained a lot of popularity in the past few years. Fairly recently, it has also stepped into the business world, and has incorporated into point of sale (POS) systems – [...]

How Can Retailers Use Digital Signage For Their Store?

Digital signage is a broad category of displays and signs, so there’s no end to the different ways you can use it in your store. Digital signs can do so much more than traditional printed store [...]

From Inventory Management to Analytics, Oscar POS: A Complete Solution for your Culinary Business 

The culinary business requires more attention compared to the retail business. It is because almost all of the operations take place in real-time at a restaurant, and the management should be [...]

Importance of Inventory Management for a Supermarket

Whether you own a small grocery store or a supermarket, managing inventory efficiently to ensure increased profitability and sales is important. For this reason, you may require software that [...]


Nowadays, the use of conventional cash is declining. Over the last few years, modern POS systems have grown in popularity. Point of sale software has given many small business owners a huge boost [...]


Retail managers and store owners have many employee management duties, ranging from scheduling floor staff to evaluating their sales performance. However, a point of sale software can be used by [...]

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